The helpful content update is the newest update from Google. This update is to ensure people see more original and helpful content written by genuine people for people in the search results.
The helpful content update aims to reward content where users feel they’ve had a satisfying experience. It goes without saying that content that doesn’t meet a visitor’s experience will not perform well. The main objective is to create people-first content whilst also utilising SEO best practices to bring searchers additional value.
The new update has also come into to play to stop creators using Artificial Intelligence tools to write their website content. The rise of AI has given digital marketers a way to work with accuracy, speed, and precision while increasing the overall productivity of SEO. However, Google has discouraged people from using tools such as these to promote the use of authentic content written by actual people.
So how can you ensure you’re creating content that will be successful with the new Google Helpful Update?
- Do you have an existing or intended audience for your business or site that would find the content useful if they came directly to you?
- Does your content clearly demonstrate first-hand expertise and a depth of knowledge (for example, expertise that comes from having actually used a product or service, or visiting a place)?
- Does your site have a primary purpose or focus?
- After reading your content, will someone leave feeling they’ve learned enough about a topic to help achieve their goal?
- Will someone reading your content leave feeling like they’ve had a satisfying experience?
- Are you keeping in mind our guidance for core updates and for product reviews?
Google also showed off a new feature dubbed ‘Multisearch,’ which lets users search with a combination of text and photos, allowing for a more visual experience, as TikTok takes the Gen Z eyeballs.
According to internal data from Google, Gen Z’s now prefer Tiktok for online searches, so some could say update is in response to this news
‘ Gen Z is bypassing Google for TikTok as a search engine’
What do you think? Is this a snub to Tiktok ?
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