hope for tomorrow and national star – our annual partner charities

At Brace Creative Agency, we take great pride in the work that we do alongside Gloucestershire charities and organisations. As part of our company ethos and corporate social responsibility, we actively seek out opportunities to give back to the local community. Therefore, as a team, we collectively select a partner charity that we work with throughout the year. This year, we are very proud to share that our partner charities will be the fantastic Hope for Tomorrow and National Star.

To date we have already worked with Caring for Communities and People (CCP), the Pied Piper Appeal and Gloucester Rugby’s Community Charity to name a few. The whole team loves working alongside those who give back to people in need and we are delighted to add two more charities to our fundraising efforts.

Hope for Tomorrow, founded by Christine Mills MBE in 2003, is a dedicated cancer charity that brings care closer to patients using their Mobile Cancer Care Units (MCCUs). Since launching the world’s first MCCU in 2007, they have treated thousands of cancer patients across the UK and have also received The Queen’s Award for Enterprise in the Innovation Category.

Earlier on in 2019 our Graphic Designer Louise White bravely completed Hope for Tomorrow’s Wing Walk event fundraising over £1,000 to help keep the wheels turning! The day was certainly a family affair as the mother of Brace’s Directors, 75-year-old Carole, also took part in the Wing Walk to raise much-needed funds. Not only was she applauded by crowds but also appeared in the press and on TV.

Actively looking for new challenges, our IT Technician Toby Lawrence will be completing their incredible firewalk in October. This is just the beginning of our work with Hope for Tomorrow, a charity that has an immeasurable impact on the lives of cancer patients nationwide and we are very excited to be able to work alongside them this year.

Our second chosen charity is National Star. Founded in May 1967, it’s an independent specialist educational college promoting equality, individuality, and diversity. Working with people with disabilities, National Star aims ‘to challenge stereotypes, raise aspirations and change attitudes.’

This isn’t our first time supporting National Star. In 2018, our Director Nick Bracey and Graphic Designer Sarah Sharpe completed a firewalk to raise money for the charity and we anticipate more successful fundraising with them over the next 12 months. Their incredible work helps transform the lives of those they help, and we are honoured to be able to work with National Star for 2019.

“It is with great pleasure that we are able to give back to our local community. Whether it be through fundraising or events, we very much look forward to working with both Hope for Tomorrow and National Star” – Nick Bracey, Director of Brace Creative Agency.

As part of our corporate social responsibility, alongside our work with local charities, we are passionate about making a positive impact in our community as well as helping our planet. Because of this, we do various activities both inside and outside of our office to be as environmentally friendly as possible. To find out more about our work in the local community, check out our corporate social responsibility page.

To keep up to date with our latest charity events, like the Brace Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages.

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