On Thursday 6th July, more than 200 finalists, guests and colleagues joined the Brobuild team at Cheltenham Racecourse for the sixth annual Gloucestershire Apprenticeship Awards. These fantastic awards celebrate the talent of apprentices within the county, and the dedication and commitment of employers.
“If you have any doubt the future of business is in good hands in the county, then you should come to these awards.” – Jenny Eastwood, editor of the Gloucestershire Echo and Gloucestershirelive.co.uk
Becky Boxwell, our marketing apprentice, found out she was a finalist for the awards back in May, so excitement and anticipation had been building in the office in the weeks leading up to the big night.
the event
The evening began with a champagne reception, followed by a 3-course meal. We were all set a challenge to complete on our tables:
“In light of the fact this is about apprenticeships, and many apprenticeships are in the engineering sector which is represented here tonight, you will find a box of Lego on your tables. We have removed the instructions, but your challenge is to make something from its contents,” said BBC journalist Steve Nibbs, who hosted the awards.
The Lego creations featured a range of funny designs, including an air conditioning unit; a nod to the boiling hot room we were all squeezed into, with only a couple of fans to go around! The Brobuild team was accused of cheating (we call it using our initiative and intelligence) as we ‘borrowed’ another table’s Lego to build a far bigger, and more impressive design than all the other tables, and we were therefore disqualified!
We may have lost the Lego challenge, but we are absolutely delighted to announce that Becky won the Financial & Business Services Outstanding Apprentice of The Year Award.
“I certainly did not expect to win, so I am absolutely over the moon! I love working at Brobuild, as every day is different and we work with some fantastic clients. I would like to say a big thank you to Nick, Mitch and the rest of the Brobuild team for all their support.” – Becky Boxwell, Marketing Apprentice
“As an employer, we believe the apprenticeship system is a fantastic stepping stone to a successful career. Becky has a bright future ahead of her at Brobuild and we are excited to see what she will achieve.” – Nick Bracey, Director
We had a brilliant evening and would like to say congratulations to all the other finalists and winners!
winners of the night
Winner of the Outstanding Apprentice of the Year – Adam Naylor, Delphi Diesel Systems Ltd
Health, Education & Care Apprentice – Levi O’Callaghan, Cirencester College
Joint Winner Public Sector Apprentice – Lauren Holbrow, Stroud District Council and Lauren Ball, Severn Vale School
Construction Apprentice – Robert Johnson, Delta 4 Ltd
Engineering & Manufacturing Apprentice – Adam Naylor, Delphi Diesel Systems Ltd
Financial & Business Services Apprentice – Becky Boxwell, Brobuild Ltd
Small Employer of the Year (1-24) – Derive Logic
Employer of the Year (25+) – L3 TRL Technology
Outstanding Contribution to Apprenticeships in Gloucestershire – Myra Billinghurst, Gloucestershire College
Gloucestershire Apprenticeship Training Provider of the Year – SGS College
For more details about the event, winners and to see the pictures from the night, visit: http://www.gloucestershirelive.co.uk/news/business/winners-revealed-gloucestershire-apprenticeship-awards-175357
Brobuild currently has 3 apprentices working within our team; Becky (marketing), Toby (IT), and Sam (Web Design). We really believe in the success of apprenticeship schemes, and supporting young people develop and improve their abilities and skills in a business environment. Contact our team for more information about our team and the services we offer.