Google Analytics Announce Preparations For GDPR

Yesterday, Google announced how they’re preparing to meet the requirements of the new GDPR coming into action in May this year.

According to W3Techs, Google Analytics is being used by 52.9 percent of all websites on the internet, more than 10 times the next most popular option (Yandex Metrics), meaning these preparations affect all of us, as internet users and website owners.

An outline of the measures Google Analytics is taking to prepare for GDPR:

Data Retention

“Starting May 25, 2018, user and event data will be retained according to these settings; Google Analytics will automatically delete user and event data that is older than the retention period you select.”

User Deletion

“Before May 25, we will also introduce a new user deletion tool that allows you to manage the deletion of all data associated with an individual user (e.g. site visitor) from your Google Analytics and/or Analytics 360 properties.”

Safeguarding Data

“Google Analytics and Analytics 360 will continue to offer a number of other features and policies around data collection, use, and retention to assist you in safeguarding your data. For example, features for customizable cookie settings, privacy controls, data sharing settings, data deletion on account termination, and IP anonymisation may prove useful as you evaluate the impact of the GDPR for your company’s unique situation and Analytics implementation.”

Contract Changes

“The new GDPR terms will supplement your current contract with Google and will come into force on May 25, 2018.”

European Union User Consent

“Google’s EU User Consent Policy is being updated to reflect new legal requirements of the GDPR. It sets out your responsibilities for making disclosures to, and obtaining consent from, end users of your sites and apps in the European Economic Area.”

Find Out More

“You can refer to to learn more about Google’s data privacy policies and approach, as well as view our data processing terms.”

If you would like to learn more about getting GDPR ready, take a look at our other relevant blog posts; Cookie Consent for GDPR, GDPR – What’s changed.

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